The New Girl: Preface

Today’s the day, I thought laying on the floor. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering so much I thought I had eaten some bad chicken the night before. Also, my hip hurts. I had to sleep on the floor since my bed is in the U-Haul. Oh and what’s this? I can’t feel my arm. Hmm.

But I did sorta like having my floor littered with blankets and pillows, in a little makeshift bed. I kinda felt homeless. I kinda liked it.

Actually scratch that, did I really just say that? I’d never last as a homeless person. Who am I kidding?

Slowly walking through the picture-less hallways and empty rooms, it hits me again. Butterflies.

The memories, the life that I had. The life that would soon be a distant memory and no longer my reality.

I lazily pack up what’s left of my makeshift bed. The U-Haul out front seemed to have swallowed up my entire house. That poor thing is packed to the brim.

“Are ya almost ready, babe?” my dad calls out.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I reply.

Can you sense my joy? Yeah I didn’t think so. This whole moving to a different state thing isn’t exactly my idea. I was going to be a Junior in high school. I had a boyfriend and a spot on the Varsity cheer team. I was involved in orchestra, choir and a few clubs. I had a bunch of friends, an awesome family, the whole shebang. I had everything that I could ever dream of. You could probably look at my life as the stereotypical movie portrayal of a teenage girl’s life. And just like the movies, the teenage girl moves away and loses everything she’s ever known. In other words, a movie about the tragedy and despair of a 16 year old girl with her seemingly perfect life falling apart. Melodramatic? Yes, very, but it’s how I felt.

I wasn’t a fan of change. Well not at the time anyway. I had moved once before but I was much younger and life was easier then. All I had to do was color in my princess books and be nice at recess. It was the perfect life. A life that I missed dearly.

But life was a little harder now. I’d have to leave my extended family, friends, boyfriend and everything I had ever worked for.

Goodbye to my small town life, hello to my California life.

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